Get Fit with Micro Workouts: Big Gains in Less Time

Are you a busy bee with little to no time to be healthy? Micro workouts are the answer! Don't let your hectic schedule hold you back from achieving your fitness goals.

These quick, easy-to-complete exercise routines can have impactful results in as little as five minutes a day.

The fitness world has discovered that micro workouts can help you effectively reap health benefits, improve heart health, and get stronger without spending hours at the gym.

Continue reading for an introduction to these mini sweat sessions, how they work, and sample routines that will give you maximum benefits in minimal amounts of time.

no equipment microworkout routine

What are Micro Workouts and How Do They Work

If you're a fitness enthusiast, but majorly pressed for time (and who isn't these days?!) Then microworkouts are a must-try.

Now, I know what you're thinking... "Micro? That doesn't sound like it's going to do much for my fitness goals!" But hear me out.

Micro workouts are all about breaking down your fitness routine into small, manageable chunks that you can do throughout the day. It might be a quick set of push-ups before breakfast, a few squats before lunch, or some lunges while you're waiting for your dinner to cook.

You can think of them as exercise snacks.

Although mini-sessions don't seem like much on their own, when you add them up over the course of a day, a week, or a month, this exercise can make a huge difference in your overall fitness.

Not only do micro workouts throughout the day help you burn calories and build strength, but they also help you cultivate an active mindset and integrate physical activity into your daily routine–with or without a gym!

So next time you're feeling like you don't have time for a full workout, remember that even just a few minutes here and there can make a big impact on your well-being.

What Are the Benefits of Doing Micro Workouts?

Microworkouts can be a game changer, we promise. And research has shown these mini-workouts have the same benefits as longer training sessions.

One research study even found the following:

Accumulating 30 minutes of moderate-intensity walking in three smaller sessions throughout the day was more effective at reducing markers of cardiometabolic health risk in insufficiently active adults than a single 30-minute bout of walking.

So here are more colossal benefits of breaking up your workouts into these mini-sessions.

They help to break up a sedentary lifestyle

Let's face it, our modern lives often involve long hours of sitting, whether it's at work or binge-watching our favorite shows.

This sedentary lifestyle is wreaking havoc on our bodies, but squeezing in a quick micro workout gives your body the movement it craves, keeping those muscles engaged, and boosting your overall health.

You can do them anywhere

No gym? No problem! Micro workouts are incredibly versatile.

Whether you're waiting for your coffee to brew or taking a break between meetings, there's always an opportunity to sneak in some movement. Say goodbye to excuses!

They combat mental fatigue

We've all been there - staring at our screens, feeling our focus waning, and our energy levels plummet.

Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try a micro workout to get the blood flowing. Mini workouts can help clear your mind, increase alertness, and boost your mood, making you more productive and ready to tackle whatever the day throws at you.

Micro workouts time saving: They're perfect for busy schedules

Let's be honest, life can get pretty hectic sometimes, and it can feel impossible to carve out an hour for a full workout.

By breaking your exercise routine into smaller, more manageable chunks, you're able to incorporate some form of fitness into even the busiest of days.

It's a win-win situation: you'll feel accomplished and energized without sacrificing precious time.

They keep your motivation high

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to fitness is staying motivated. But with micro workouts, you're constantly challenging yourself and celebrating small victories. This sense of achievement can help you build momentum.

When to do Your Micro Workout

You can add micro workouts any time of day, just check out this list for options!

  1. Morning jumpstart: Kick off your day with a quick set of jumping jacks, burpees, or high knees. Or a smooth yoga or stretching flow. This will help to wake up your body and set you up for a productive day ahead.

  2. Deskercise: Long hours at the office? No problem! Try doing some seated leg lifts, chair dips, or a short walk around the building or up the stairs. Movement gives you the ability to restore your posture and will help to break up long periods of sitting during your workday.

  3. TV time: Turn those commercial breaks into fitness opportunities! Challenge yourself to do as many push-ups, sit-ups, or lunges as you can for those few minutes. Or grab some dumbbells for bicep curls and shoulder presses. You'll be surprised at how much you can accomplish while still enjoying your favorite shows.

  4. Family fun: Get the whole family involved with a quick game of tag, a dance party, an evening stroll, or a mini yoga session. Not only will you all be getting in some exercise, but you'll also be creating quality bonding time and setting an active example for your kids.

  5. Evening wind-down: Before bed, take a few minutes to stretch and practice deep breathing. This will help to relax your body and mind, setting the stage for a restful night's sleep.

No equipment micro workout routine you can do anywhere

No Equipment Exercises

If you have dumbbells on hand, you can do tons of exercises to build muscle. But when you're away from the gym and don't have any equipment on hand, you can still train and build strength with these no-equipment moves.

Depending on whether you have 5 minutes or 15 minutes, you can choose one or more of the exercises below and adjust the number of sets accordingly.

For example, doing three sets of three exercises can take approx 9-10 minutes:

Set 1

Move #1 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #2 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #3 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Set 2

Move #1 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #2 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #3 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Set 3

Move #1 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #2 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

Move #3 - 45 seconds, rest 15 seconds

If you have just 5 minutes, you might do one set of each exercise but include more reps. If you have more time, you could add some walking or jogging in place in between each round to get the right length of workout.

Clink on links for how-to videos!

1. Upper Body Blast

  • Move: Push-ups

  • Reps: 12-15 (or as many as you can do in 45 seconds)

  • How-to: Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, extend your legs behind you, and keep your body in a straight line. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor, then push back up. This classic move targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

2. Lower Body Power

  • Move: Squats

  • Reps: 10-15

  • How-to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees and push your hips back as if you're sitting on a chair. Keep your chest up and your weight on your heels. Push back up to the starting position. Squats are fantastic for working your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

3. Core Strength

  • Move: Plank

  • Duration: 30-60 seconds

  • How-to: Get into a push-up position, but rest on your forearms instead of your hands. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, and hold this position while engaging your core muscles. Planks are an excellent way to target your entire core, including your abs and lower back.

4. Cardio Kickstart

  • Move: Jumping jacks, mountain climbers, jumping rope

  • Reps: 30-50

  • How-to: Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Jump while simultaneously spreading your legs and raising your arms above your head. Jump back to the starting position and repeat. Jumping jacks are a fun, equipment-free way to get your heart rate up and work your entire body.
    For mountain climbers, see video above!

    Jump rope in place (no rope needed) with easy jumps and soft landings.

5. Arm Toner

  • Move: Tricep dips

  • Reps: 10-15

  • How-to: Sit on the edge of a sturdy surface (like a chair or bench), place your hands next to your hips, and extend your legs in front of you. Lower your body by bending your elbows until they're at a 90-degree angle, then push back up. This move targets the often-neglected triceps.

6. Leg Sculptor

  • Move: Lunges

  • Reps: 10-12 (each leg)

  • How-to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then take a big step forward with one foot. Bend both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee almost touches the ground. Push back up and return to the starting position, then switch legs. Lunges work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. For an added bonus, add a twist and posterior reach.

7. Total Toner

  • Move: Bear Crawl

  • Duration: 30-45 seconds

  • How-to: Start on all 4’s with knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Keep knees bent and move them towards your chest. Crawl forward keeping your back flat and abs pulled in. When the right leg moves forward the left hand follows, moving in a reciprocal pattern.

8. Calves and Balance

  • Move: Calf raises

  • Reps: 15-20

  • How-to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly raise your heels off the ground, standing on your tiptoes. Hold for a second, then lower your heels back down. Calf raises are great for toning your calves and improving balance. For more of a challenge, add a squat and arm raises.

High-Intensity Interval Training - The Key to Successful Microworkouts

If you're doing workouts throughout the day, keep the following in mind for success!

  1. Warm up and cool down: Make sure you begin and end your workouts with some light warm-up movements to get the blood flowing to your muscles before you start and help them recover afterward. You want to avoid going from sitting to super high intensity and straight back to sitting - that's a recipe for injury!

  2. Intensity: For the most effective results, perform each exercise with as much intensity as possible - pushing yourself to the limit within a short time frame. This is called high-intensity interval training and is the key to successful microworkouts.

  3. Rest: Pause between rounds of exercises to help your body recover and make sure you don't push yourself too hard. Take 1-2 minutes between rounds to catch your breath, drink some water, or just take a short break.

  4. Enjoyment: Don't forget to make it fun!

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Get Fit with Micro Workouts - Final Thoughts

If you're wondering how you can possibly get in shape when you don't have much time, consider the micro workout solution. Micro workouts are a great way to maximize your time and train all muscle groups throughout the week.

With focus and the right variety of movement, you can boost heart health and reap the physical and mental health benefits of being physically active–even with a busy schedule and from the comfort of your home.

Looking for more support in reaching your fitness goals? Book a Discovery Call to learn more about Health & Wellness Coaching!


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