Fitness for Life - Why Today Isn't Ideal to Start Your Fit Program

Consider this: Today isn't the ideal day to start your new health and fitness program, and guess what? Tomorrow isn't either.

No, I'm not trying to be negative and discourage you from stepping out toward your goals. We all want optimal wellness and fitness for life – and it's possible. But I'm simply acknowledging that the ideal day doesn't exist. 

While you wait for perfect circumstances, you're missing out on the small steps that lead to huge gains.

Fitness for life mindsets

Why Healthy Living Isn't What You Think

Too many people have false assumptions about what's necessary to get healthy. Extreme programs promise fast results, but most people can't commit to a drastic lifestyle shift. 

Eating salad every single day for lunch? With no dressing? Who's excited to sign up for that?!

Without realistic changes and a comprehensive approach that considers total physical, mental, and emotional health, the benefits of a training program and diet will be short-lived. 

Although program planning is helpful, and I love creating goals and strategies, the most critical needle mover is taking action

Changing Your Philosophy About Health

You've heard health is wealth. But in the same vein, it's more appealing to splurge for instant gratification than put aside money in savings. 

It requires discipline to step back, accurately assess the risk factors of staying the same, and envision the tremendous payoffs of making changes.

Whether it's financial responsibility or fitness goals, it's easy to say, "I just want to enjoy today, and I'll start tomorrow."

This line of thinking traps you because:

  • Tomorrow always sounds better than today.

  • You're equating a healthy lifestyle with punishment, or at the least being 'less enjoyable' than how you're currently living.

  • You're waiting to feel your way into acting instead of acting your way into feeling.

Students and clients frequently get stuck in this preparation phase, waiting for passion and motivation to fall and propel them in their quest for fitness for life.

Sometimes, hiring a personal trainer or investing in coaching sessions will help you stay accountable and consistent. Whether exercising, eating healthy, losing weight, or focusing on the whole body and mind's well-being, you can find a professional with the knowledge and experience to help you.

Excuses starting a health plan

3 Mindsets to Shift to Reach Fitness for Life

Have you ever fallen into any of these mental traps? We've all been there! But now, it's time to embrace an adaptable growth mindset that empowers you to make positive changes.

1. Striving for Control vs. Accepting Unpredictability

You know that feeling when you wake up, determined to begin your wellness journey, only to have life throw curveballs at you? It leaves you instantly deflated.

And it's a shared experience. If you don't confront a challenge on the first day, you'll find one on the second or third. 

Suppose you're unclear on your mission. In that case, it's easy to postpone the plan until you reach the ideal scenario where you can do every single part with complete ease, high energy, and perfect results.

So the response is: Now isn't a good time; I'll try again next Monday.

Make a Switch

Life is unpredictable; no matter how perfect your plan is, external factors are outside your control. You won't achieve fitness for life waiting for the ideal scenario to line up.

When the car breaks down, a project deadline tightens its grip, or a family emergency demands your attention, be flexible. Fixating on a perfect scenario sets you up for disappointment and frustration when things don't go as planned.

So, before you postpone your progress due to unforeseen obstacles, accept your lack of control - there's freedom in this! Know there will never be a "perfect" day to start. Instead, you have the tools to adjust your meal plan and adapt your workouts.

>>> Check out the many ways you can get a highly effective workout from the comfort of home!

2. Implementing a Plan vs. Integrating a Lifestyle

We've all heard the phrase "I'm on a diet" or "I'm starting an exercise plan." Such plans have a clear start and stop button or on-and-off switch. Plus, it sounds like you're venturing into a high-stakes quest outside your everyday life. That's a ton of pressure!

We too often try to overlay a demanding and out-of-the-ordinary routine onto our already overbooked schedule. 

How is that ever going to work!? 

If you're like most people, you already have too much to do and too few hours in the day!

Make a Switch

The reality is that wellness isn't a "plan" to start and stop when convenient; it's the intricate thread woven into the fabric of your daily existence. 

Viewing workouts, strength training, nutrition, sleep, and stress management as extra to-do tasks create stress. Then, these activities are a burden and easy to discard when life gets busy. 

Instead, consider how to make healthy choices and habits integral to your lifestyle, seamlessly blending with your everyday activities. Doing so will eliminate the constant need to "start again" and allow wellness to flow naturally.

3. Perfect Performance vs. Progressive Improvement

Waiting for the "right" moment often masks a fear of failure. That's particularly hard for perfectionists (which many of us are). But here's the truth: You're human, and mistakes are part of learning. 

According to Harvard Business School, a person with a growth mindset views intelligence, talents, and abilities as learnable and capable of improvement through effort. 

In essence, a growth mindset is about movement. You are free to GO. You aren't stuck with what you have, and you have yet to arrive. 

So when you make mistakes (not a matter of if, but when), you don't view those mistakes as a personal failure or blame the program. Instead, you see the experience as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Make a Switch

Rather than expecting perfection on day one, focus on your commitment to building healthier habits over time. This way, fitness for life becomes a journey rather than a destination. 

Remove undue pressure by understanding that progress doesn't happen overnight; it's an ongoing process of trial and error. You walk through learning, correction, and discovery.

You won't know what works until you try. For example, you'll likely need to adjust your exercise plan details such as:

  • What's the best time for your workout - morning, lunch break, or after work?

  • What exercises do you do - Are you quickly bored of the elliptical? Would you rather be outside or at your local gym?

  • Who can help you with accountability - a friend, or do you need a trainer, or coach?

Switching your mindset from perfection to progress creates more room for fun, experimentation, and creativity. 

Small steps to fitness for life

Takeaways for Fitness for Life

Whether you're starting an exercise program or improving your diet and nutrition, progress will be elusive unless you release yourself from an "all-or-nothing" mindset.

Reframing some common mindsets that distract and derail you is essential when trying to reach fitness for life.

It's never too late to start making positive changes, but remember: 

  • Life is unpredictable, and you can't control everything.

  • Wellness habits aren't an extra burden when engrained as a natural part of your lifestyle. 

  • You don't have to be perfect; just keep learning and moving forward.

On top of that, there's no such thing as a perfect start! What truly matters is taking that first step, regardless of its size. When you embrace progress over perfection, you'll discover that every moment is an opportunity to make healthier choices. 

It's not about waiting for a grand beginning but acknowledging that each choice contributes to your wellness journey. So, why wait for an arbitrary start date when you can begin making small, positive changes right now?

Online Health and Wellness Coaching

Life is complicated. The mindset shifts discussed in this article take time to implement. If you'd like extra help, consider enrolling in an online health and wellness coaching program that can provide the support and expertise you need to make lasting changes in your life. 

An experienced wellness coach can guide you toward healthy habits by creating personalized strategies tailored to your unique lifestyle. You'll learn how to set achievable goals and stay motivated - all while having an empathetic ear to talk you through the challenges along the way. 

So, what are you waiting for? We have options for group coaching, customized coaching, and plans tailored to specific goals like comprehensive, holistic well-being and mindful weight loss. 

Your first step is to book a Discovery Call session to discuss your goals and find the best fit for you.


A Mindful Eating Exercise to Unlock Weight Loss Success 


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